Your state of being is entirely up to you.

Are you willing to tell a new story?

How devoted are you to that state of being?

Can you breathe more deeply into those spaces?

What would the next scene look like if you remembered that you hold the pen?

Are you willing to tell a new story? How devoted are you to that state of being? Can you breathe more deeply into those spaces? What would the next scene look like if you remembered that you hold the pen?


close your eyes. soften your shoulders. and breathe.

One more time.

Do you hear that? Your heart is beating. Do you feel that? Your lungs are doing their thing. Do you see that? You’ve got an imagination. God’s moving through you. You are breathing through another day, grounded here on Earth, for this human experience.

what began as a program to be lived through and embodied in 2020, has become a membership.

the seed

A movement. A legacy on my heart. Walk with me, as I steward this mission—to experience greater clarity, ease, and calm confidence.

To create harmony within your nervous system. To choose radical responsibility. To bring devotion back into each breath, each action, each choice, each decision. To feel safe in your body by mastering your state. To be willing to let life be a living, breathing, meditative prayer.

If you were a part of the original Soothe School as a program, I’m filled with gratitude that we got to witness the unfolding of that chapter together. If you’re new here, welcome.

This isn’t about reviving what was. Rather, tuning into what is. What will be. Blessing the old, and choosing presence with the new. 

This is a lifestyle. A series of consistent practices. A devotional space.

This is a collective of mission-driven women who whole-heartedly believe that harmony within their own system translates into an experience of reality they desire to have. Women who are willingly responsible for the building, nurturing and sustaining of this life experience.

Are you being who you say that you are?

the vision

the vision has become grander.

Yet the intention of Soothe School remains the same—to soothe, shift and shape our realities, by way of tending to and harmonizing our nervous systems. The vision is an ever-expanding remembrance that we get to consciously choose our next now moment.

We are building so much more than a whole new archive together. We are building a movement, a global community, a legacy of mission-driven women who are called to truly listen to the whispers. To know and to remember, that we get to feel peace, even amidst the chaos, and especially when it makes no logical sense. To be pillars of peace for ourselves, our families, our sisterhoods, our communities.

And what’s going to make it magic, is your consistent presence. For you. Always.

Are you feeling the call?

Here on Earth to remind you of what is possible. To hold up a mirror. To remind you of the pure potentiality and exquisite reflection of divine love that you are. To remind you that you are a direct line to the Divine. To choose to do things differently, and invite you to do the same.

A marketing & brand strategist & creator. A meditation teacher & nervous system magician. A mission-led mentor & multi-dimensional soul. Passionate about supporting conscious creators & heart-led revolutionary leaders replenish to rise & elevate with ease. Grounded in this human experience to be an embodiment of divine love.

We live in a holographic Universe. We are mirrors and are mirrored.

With over 17 years in communications — in both corporate and soul-proprietorship, a meditation teacher, mindfulness facilitator and forever philosopher — it is my heart’s intent to guide, support and educate other heart-centered humans, like you. And do so with ease. By learning to replenish and regulate your nervous system. By remembering the power and potency of our words, and who we came here to be.

I will forever invite you to lovingly, and always, bring it back to self.

In my experience in the spaces of marketing, branding and communications — an industry that once nearly never slept — came an insatiable soul-led desire to soothe my nervous system, and teach others around me to do the same. Through a career built on the power of communications, I learned the potency of our words and the importance of the intentionality behind them.

about the founder

Some of the many tools I’ve offered over the years (in this lifetime, anyhow) are ways in which we can tap into the vibration and frequency of words and word choice, in order to amplify that which is wanted.

Both through my own health journey, and leading teams where I witnessed nervous system regulation to be a paramount need, came studies and hands-on application of ways to approach the industry differently; all industries. To choose differently. To remember that we are all here, grounded in this human experience, for so much more than the eye can see.

In order for myself, my teams and my clients, to show up in our fullest expressions, I naturally found myself weaving meditation, self-soothing tools, and Law of Attraction and Assumption techniques into my day to day — both as a marketing director with teams and as a PR company founder with private clients.

I’ve been called a masterful manifestor. Perhaps it suits my blueprint. Perhaps I’ve made the unwavering decision to be devoted to the reality in which I choose to create in this lifetime.

